All bookings are to be made through the office, prior to arrival
Conference Room Hire - $250 Daily rate
- Prime waterfront CBD location
- Airconditioned and private
- Close to restaurants and cafes
Buoy Moorings - $240 per month for members / $480 month for visitors
- 6 moorings available
- Club members get first preference
- Terms & conditions apply, see the office for details
Berths - $600 per month, paid in advance
- 2 Berths available of F Finger
- Use available only for active club members
- Can be booked for a minimum and maximum of 1 calendar month, preferences according to waitlist
- Terms & conditions apply, see the office for details
Pontoon - $35 per night members / $70 per night visitors
- Available by prior booking at the office
- Not available during club events/tackers/greenfleet
- Preference to active club members
- Terms & conditions apply, see the office for details